Secure Redact Data Privacy Agent

The below data privacy agent is being developed to help answer any questions you may have about data privacy legislation. The agent has reviewed all the content on the below data privacy websites and can point you in the right direction to find the answers you need on GDPR, CCPA, HIPAA, FERPA and other country and State specific legislation. It will give you a summarised response to your questions along with a link to the relevant website page to find more details.

This an AI agent that has been tasked with searching for the right answers to your questions from all the content on the below data privacy web pages, it then summarises them and provides relevant links. It uses state of the art technology to ground its answers on the texts provided to it (ie. the below referenced websites).

We initially setup this data privacy agent to support our internal needs but have decided to make it public so everyone can get the benefit from it. It’s currently in beta whilst we put it through it’s paces (and whilst we review wider edge-cases and accuracy), please let us know if you have any feedback and/or if you are finding it useful. The Secure Redact Data Privacy agent has reviewed the below website information - if there are additional sites/legislation you want added please let us know, we’ll check the usage rights of the content and if it’s ok to include we’ll add it to the agent, you can just drop an email to,

The Secure Redact Data Privacy Agent is able to review, summarise and answer questions on the following:

UK Legislation / Content

UK Information Commissioner Website:

European Legislation / Content

European Commission Website:

US Legislation / Content


Federal Trade Comission/FTC:

US Department of Education:

US Department of Health and Human Services:

US Department of Transportation:

State of California DOJ:

Virgina Law:

Conneticut Data Privacy Act:

Utah Consumer Privacy Act:

Iowa Legislature:

Indiana Consumer Data Privacy Bill:

Texas Legislature:

Florida Legal:

Montana State Legislature:

Delaware Online and Personal Privacy Policy:

N.B. This AI agent is in beta, it has reviewed the above sites only, it will identify and summarise information from across these sites based on your questions. If you want answers for a specific geographic area or policy please include that information in your question. All answers should also include a link at the end to the relevant content the answer was based on, so you can check the provenance of all answers with the original texts.