
Automated video redaction
via APIs

Easily integrate Secure Redact video redaction capabilities directly into your own video workflows and applications through online APIs.

Sign-up for a free trial account to generate your API key, start testing right away. Once you are ready to deploy, you can purchase a monthly subscription or pay-as-you-go for hourly credits, based on your required processing needs.

Integrate into existing VMS systems via our Secure Redact APIs for automated video privacy workflows.

Benefit from all Secure Redact’s functionality: such as user management, bulk upload (CloudConnect), review, editing and download of your videos.

Make use of the Secure Redact SaaS application for review and editing of API results.

Setting up the APIs

Step 1:

Sign up for a Secure Redact account.

Step 2:

Access your account dashboard through top right menu.

Step 3:

Select “New credential” in API credentials page. Copy your “Client secret” number and make sure to keep it safe (it will not be shown again).

Step 4:

Go to API Documentation where you will find everything you need to get started.

Step 5:

Run in Postman and you can start redacting video right away.

There are two flows you can take advantage of:

Review Flow

Once processed, videos can be reviewed and edited prior to download using the Secure Redact SaaS app (ie. where users need to review final videos prior to download and/or un-redact specific subjects in a video clip.

Automated Flow

All personal data in video is automatically detected and redacted without manual review or editing.

Automated Flow

Upload video.

Monitor progress.

Secure Redact processes the video to automatically detect PII for redaction.

Redact without using the UI.

Once the video is ready, download the redacted video.

Monitor the redaction.

Automated Flow: step-by-step video

Review Flow

Upload video.

Monitor progress.

Edit and review the detected redactions in app. Then click Redact.

Monitor the redaction process in Postman.

Once the video is ready, download the redacted video.

Secure Redact processes the video to automatically detect PII for redaction.

Login to Secure Redact SaaS app
and load your video.


Connect your private cloud storage directly to Secure Redact for automated bulk upload, video anonymisation and download.

Secure Redact's CloudConnect service provides Enterprise customers with a solution for high-volume batch video redaction.

Once connected, videos are automatically uploaded > redacted > downloaded to and from your private cloud storage solution.

Team members can collaborate, edit and review all automatically uploaded and redacted videos in the Secure Redact app as normal.

We currently support AWS and Azure - contact us to find out more, or sign-up and start redacting today.