Secure Redact Product Help Agent (beta)

Secure Redact’s product agent can help with any questions you may have about redacting video with Secure Redact.

The below agent has reviewed all the Secure Redact product information on this site, it will give you a summarised response to your questions and a link to the relevant page on this site to find more details.

This agent uses the latest AI technology to ground its answers on product-related content from this site only (using RAG - Retrieval Augmented Generation) - this reduces any risks of hallucinations, (ie. generating convincing but inaccurate information), but there may still be some discrepancies in the summarisation of its answers. Usage so far has provided very accurate responses to questions relating to product usage and application features. It’s also proved very useful for helping to navigate to the relevant content on this site quickly.

All answers will be given in the context of Secure Redact; the agent will let you know if it cannot find answers to your specific question. If this is the case please contact us at and we’ll be happy to support you further.

If you find it useful or have any suggestions/feedback please let us know: